Balance Transfer - If you feel you can keep up payments transferred to a new card and pay off the balance transferred within the required time, this could be a good option. Make sure there are no balance transfer fees and there is zero interest during the time period. Do not use the card for any future purchases until you have paid the balance and only then use it if you can comfortably pay it in full each month.
Beware of debt settlement companies which are for profit and can damage your credit. They offer to reduce your debt through negotiation.
Debt consolidation can combine all your debts into one monthly payment (always check with the Better Business Bureau before going with any company.
I personally prefer to handle any money matters myself. I set up a spreadsheet and worked out a plan to pay off the debts. Call the companies yourself and try to negotiate a pay off amount if you're able to. You may be able to negotiate a lower amount or at least ask them to remove interest in exchange for paying the balance.