I've been looking into the best place to purchase eyeglasses and with all the advertising lately for America's Best I started my search there as they advertise $69.95 for an eye exam and two pairs of single vision glasses. But after the eye exam there were so many people waiting and as the receptionist had "lost" the frames that I took 30 minutes to choose, I opted to just take the prescription (at $50). As I wanted bi-focals I knew from past experience that they would have been considerably more expensive than the $69.95 advertised. (The last time I went to America's Best I was quoted around $250.)
I found a site that gave some good advice on buying eyeglasses at Clark.Com. However, one of the recommendations was Costco optical, but apparently you are required to have a Costco membership to use their services. They quoted me $200 for no-line bi-focals and a $69 frame. They were kind enough to measure and write down the PD dimension for me which America's Best failed to do (you need this to purchase online eyeglasses) but I didn't think the cost in addition to the membership fee was a good price.
Another recommendation was to purchase online at Zenni.Com. So I took a look at their site where I ended up purchasing my glasses for under $50. Despite paying $50 for the prescription and around $49 for the glasses, it still worked out cheaper than anywhere else I checked and I'm pleased with the Zenni glasses. They are lightweight and have nice frames. Note: If you purchase more than one pair the second pair is shipped free. I wish I had done that but as I hadn't used Zenni before I opted for just one pair.