A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned

A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned -
Benjamin Franklin

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Free Entertainment - Fort Worth

Look on local web sites for free entertainment in your area.

Fort Worth has many ways to spend an afternoon with little or no cost.

Visit the Stockyards (Plan to be there for the daily Cattle Drive)
Wander around the Water Gardens which was a setting in the 1976 film Logan's Run
Amon Carter Museum of  American Art (Free Fridays and half price on Sunday)
Sid Richardson Museum (Free and will also validate parking)
Museum of Engraving and Printing - Free tours
Kimbell Art Museum - Main exhibition is free - special exhibitions are half price Tuesday and Fridays (check site for times)
The Modern Museum  (free admission on Fridays)
Monnig Meteorite Gallery Free admission
Airfield Falls Conservation Park
Free Fort Worth Historical Walking Tours

Note: Check with local museums for free events. Often there are films playing with no admission charge.