First of all, look at local programs. Our library offers Spanish classes. The county college may offer classes and if you are over 60 you may not have any costs involved. Sometimes churches will offer classes to equip their missionaries and may let you join in.
You Tube has loads of videos. One I found most helpful is Que Hora Es? with Danny Evans. Search for" Spanish tutor" for others.
A book that I have been working through is Living Language Spanish Coursebook. I believe there was a CD or cassette tape with it originally but I found the book at a yard sale.
Another fun way to learn is Duolingo.com. Keep a notepad nearby to make notes of words or phrases you are struggling with as it will repeat anything you are not sure of and sometimes writing it down will help you remember.
Search for a Spanish television channel and turn on subtitles.
Just as we teach young children to learn to read English, children's books in Spanish are a good way to get started and many of them are bilingual. Check with your local library.
PBS (public television) has a children's program, and online games, Oh Noah Noah is spending a year with his Spanish grandmother and learning Spanish along the way. It's fun to watch with the grandkids. You can also watch Oh Noah on You Tube.