Yard sales, rummage sales, garage sales.
Whatever you want to call them are a great way to de-clutter and make a
little extra money into the bargain. Once you have a date in mind, ask your
neighbors if they would like to participate. Several houses displaying items
for sale will bring in a bigger crowd.
Check your city web page for restrictions. For
instance, Fort Worth (Texas) requires a permit that can be obtained online at
no charge. No more than two sales can be held per year on the same premises, garage/yard
sales cannot run for more than 3 consecutive days and only 1 sign is permitted.
Benbrook on the other hand, doesn’t seem to have any restrictions on sales, but
signs can only be placed on private property, ten feet from the curb. Ask
permission before putting signs on someone’s property and be sure to pick up
all signs when the sale is over. If you belong to a home owner’s association
there may be further restrictions.
Price everything. I keep a box in the garage for
items I no longer want and throughout the year stick a price tag on them before
placing them in the box. A general rule for pricing is 25% of the amount to
purchase new. Put large signs on large items together with information, such as
whether an electrical item or power tool works or has any mechanical problems. Also
put larger items nearer the curb. Most people will stop to look at furniture or
a lawn mower.
Make sure you have plenty of dollar bills and
coins. I price in 25 cent increments and keep only quarters and mostly dollar
bills. If you are the first stop for the yard saler you may have to give change
for $20 as most people stop at the ATM before hitting the yard sale trail. I don't take anything larger than a $20 because I have no way of knowing if the $50 is genuine (no one counterfeits dollar bills) Use a fanny pack, apron, or shirt with large pockets. After accumulating large
amounts, put them in the house and don’t carry them around with you. Never
leave a cash box on a table or anywhere that can be easily removed.
Clothing will sell better if placed on a
hanger. Either string a clothes line between a couple of trees, across the
garage or put a pole between two ladders. Use metal hangers or ones that you
don’t mind losing. Price better quality clothes individually, but keep an area
with a sign “everything for $1.”
Take time to put similar items together. If
someone is looking for picture frames, they will want to look through all that
you have and not rummage through boxes. You’ll sell more if the display is
pleasing to the eye, so straighten up the items periodically and fill in any
blank spaces.
For larger items, I look for the same item on E-Bay or at a store web site and print it out, then tape it to the item so that people can see how much the item would cost at full retail price.
For larger items, I look for the same item on E-Bay or at a store web site and print it out, then tape it to the item so that people can see how much the item would cost at full retail price.
Have fun with the sale, it can be a great
social event and a time to meet neighbors.