If you still have little ones in diapers, the boxes are great for storage.
Cut the top flaps off.
Cut out pictures, or if your children are old enough, have them cut them out. (I keep a zip lock bag where I collect pictures from magazines and old books to use for projects).
Don't cover the holes on the side - use for handles.
Using a sponge, or foam paint brush (you can get those at the Dollar Store) spread white glue on the box or let them use glue sticks.
Stick pictures on the box and touch up corners with glue if they are lifting.
When the box is dry, make a mixture of approx. one part white glue to one part water and mix together. (You can use decoupage glue if you have it).
Spread over all the pictures to seal (decoupage)
These are great to store their coloring books, papers and crayons.