A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned

A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned -
Benjamin Franklin

Monday, March 21, 2016

Dieting on a Budget

The trend (backed up by television advertising) is to find a diet plan such as Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem and many others, all with a hefty monthly fee.
But we all know to lose weight we need to exercise more and eat less.
If it's not easy for you (I don't know anyone who thinks it is) then find some friends to get together once a week for a weigh in and to help each other. Also schedule time to walk or take up a sport instead of meeting for dinner.
My Fitness Pal app can be used on your phone (or online) and keeps track of calories and exercise. You can also link to your friends - the basic plan is free to use.
Try to stay away from processed foods and plan meals (this should save you money).