A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned

A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned -
Benjamin Franklin

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Mint Tea

Mint tea isn't complicated. All you need is a tea bag and mint.

I prefer tea to coffee and buy Orange Pekoe from WalMart which is around a dollar for 100 tea bags. My neighbor, who is a gardener, planted mint a few years ago and it has spread under the fence into my garden (it's usually best to plant mint in pots because it's invasive). I break off a sprig, wash it and let it steep in a cup along with a tea bag. I keep a few sprigs in water on my window ledge.
If making a pot of tea I remove the leaves and put them in the infuser. Mint tea is a great remedy for stomach upsets and refreshing with a few ice cubes in the summer.

Tea Infuser